Sunday, October 23, 2011

Apple Core Band next Saturday

Next Saturday night  (Oct 29th) the Apple Core Band will be playing at JVs  in Falls Church at 9pm.   We'll be having dinner at a nearby restaurant before heading over to JVs around 8pm to snag good seats.

Here is a little taste of what you will hear.  They are excellent! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Abbey Road on the River - Again

After last year's event, I made a 5 minute video of my experience and submitted it to a contest run by the organizer and to my great excitement I won the grand prize.  So this year I had two of the best 5 day tickets for me and a friend and a complimentary two night stay in the Gaylord National Resort at National Harbor where the event is held.

I took my cousin with me as my guest.  She wasn't really a fan, but was looking forward to the outing, but thankfully, she discovered that she loves the Beatles and wants to go back next year! Yeah Yeah Yeah.

Discovered lots of great bands from around the world such as Old Brown Shoe (from The Netherlands), The Norwegian Beatles (guess where they are from?), The Jukebox (from Puerto Rico), and Abbey Road Live from the USA.  Other more local favorites were Apple Core Band and The English Channel.